Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Types Of Computer Software

In the present day world, computers play a significant part in our daily life. To provide us different services, different types of software are run on these computers. Computer software is generally of three types: System software, Application software and Off-the-shelf Software. A brief outline of each type of software is given below.

System software

This is the software which is actually running your computer. This software handles different request for use the hardware, many housekeeping work, storage of data etc. A good example of such system software is the Windows program which is running your computer. Linux and UNIX are the other common system software available for running computers.

Application software

 These types of software are developed to handle a specific task and are developed to cater for the specific requirement of the user. This could be the Payroll system or the Accounting system of your company. The system is developed keeping all the requirements of the user in mind. But, for small companies it would not be a good idea to develop software applications specifically for your use. To keep the system running properly, you should have skilled IT expertise available to you and you might have to spend lots time and money to run the system properly.

Off-the-shelf software

 When software is developed catering for your specific requirement, you would be able to execute all the functions you desire. But, development of software would be quite costly and may not be suitable for small enterprises for their implementation. Off-the-shelf software generally provides some standard functions and they do not cost much. But, you may find that the software does not provide what you require. Therefore, you might have to change your business practice to be in line with this shrink-wrapped software.

Programming Software

This is one of the most commonly known and popularly used types of computer software. These software come in the form of tools that assist a programmer in writing computer programs. Computer programs are sets of logical instructions that make a computer system perform certain tasks. The tools that help programmers in instructing a computer system include text editors, compilers and interpreters. Compilers translate source code written in a programming language into the language which a computer understands (mostly the binary form). Compilers generate objects which are combined and converted into executable programs through linkers. Debuggers are used to check code for bugs and debug it. The source code is partially or completely simulated for the debugging tool to run on it and remove bugs if any. Interpreters execute programs. They execute the source code or a precompiled code or translate source code into an intermediate language before execution. 

Inventory Management Software

This type of software helps an organization in tracking its goods and materials on the basis of quality as well as quantity. Warehouse inventory management functions encompass the internal warehouse movements and storage. Inventory software helps a company in organizing inventory and optimizing the flow of goods in the organization, thus leading to improved customer service.

Utility Software

Also known as service routine, utility software helps in the management of computer hardware and application software. It performs a small range of tasks. Disk defragmenters, systems utilities and virus scanners are some of the typical examples of utility software.

Data Backup and Recovery Software

An ideal data backup and recovery software provides functionalities beyond simple copying of data files. This software often supports user needs of specifying what is to be backed up and when. Backup and recovery software preserve the original organization of files and allow an easy retrieval of the backed up data.


Malware refers to any malicious software and is a broader category of software that are a threat to computer security. Adware, spyware, computer viruses, worms, trojan horses and scareware are malware. Computer viruses are malicious programs which replicate themselves and spread from one computer to another over the network or the Internet. Computer worms do the same, the only difference being that viruses need a host program to attach with and spread, while worms don't need to attach themselves to programs. Trojans replicate themselves and steal information. Spyware can monitor user activity on a computer and steal user information without their knowledge.


Adware is software with the means of which advertisements are played and downloaded to a computer. Programmers design adware as their tool to generate revenue. They do extract user information like the websites he visits frequently and the pages he likes. Advertisements that appear as pop-ups on your screen are the result of adware programs tracking you. But adware is not harmful to computer security or user privacy. The data it collects is only for the purpose of inviting user clicks on advertisements.

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